Awards + Japjeet Kaur & Shuniya Kundalini Yoga in the Media

  • For 8 years in a row (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024), ThreeBestRated has awarded Shuniya Kundalini Yoga with their ‘Badge of Excellence’ as ‘Best Business of the Year’ for the category ‘Yoga Classes in Leicester', testifying to the consistent prime quality of classes and services offered.
  • Shuniya Kundalini Yoga got chosen as the 2022-2023 winner 'Yoga Specialist of the Year' in the Central England's Prestige Awards.
  • Shuniya Kundalini Yoga got chosen as the 2021-2022 winner 'Yoga Studio of the Year' in the Central England's Prestige Awards.
  • In 2020 - after almost a full year of online classes due to Leicester's never-ending lockdown - GHP (Global Health Pharma) awarded Shuniya Kundalini Yoga with their Fitness & Nutrition Awards for 'Yoga School of the Year - Leicestershire': and
  • Read the (Dutch) interview in the Belgian monthly magazine Feeling, edition December
    2017, in which Belgian’s multiple-award- winning actress and singer Veerle Baetens (Loft,
    The Broken Circle Breakdown, Tabula Rasa, …) interviews her yoga teacher Japjeet Kaur
  • Watch this short video interview with dscreationsTV for his Hola Mahalla series (the
    interview took place in 2015, the video was released on May 4, 2017):
  • Read this (English) article from November 14, 2014 in the Huffington Post, UK: “‘I felt I had
    come home to something.’ Yoga teacher Japjeet Kaur Khalsa was born in Belgium but moved
    to Leicester after becoming a Sikh”:


Dear Japjeet,

I only attended three workshops back in 2015-2016 and I'm really glad I did for they will always mean a lot to me.
"Forms vanish" as we know. I regret I didn't attend other interesting workshops like the Childhood years (new work assignments I had to get used to and education of my sons). [...]
I loved the way you spoke completely out of the box.
You introduced me to the most beautiful music I ever heard.
You helped to dissolve the heart blockages I built up. I can easily cry now 🙂
and I will never forget your workshop on passing through the door back to Source !

Thank you for holding a space with your mere Presence. I will always remember you.

Sat Nam,


Hey Japjeet, I forgot to say that the hair oil I bought from you ages ago was the best and most beautifully smelling I've ever tried!!

Prabhjeet Singh   

Thank you for probably the most informative workshop I have ever attended! So much to consider, reflect & act upon! [testimonial after attending the "Men's & Women's Moon Centres" workshop online]


Lieve Japjeet,

ik vond het een memorabel weekend laatstleden met die rebirthing! Het heeft heel wat bij me teweeg gebracht. Er gebeurt vanalles. Er is me heel veel duidelijk geworden!!! Ik ben letterlijk en ook figuurlijk herboren, waarvoor heel veel DANK! Heb helemaal niks in mn schouders gevoeld, geen beetje spierpijn. De enige spanning die er zat op de schouderkap is zelfs verdwenen.


Dear Japjeet, I have read and learned a lot from your blog on the full moon and your newsletter. Thank you for taking the time in writing and distributing these really inspirational words of wisdom.


Absolutely amazing training weekend. So much depth & such a profound experience to train right after receiving a Closing the Bones ceremony the day before. So many amazing topics which I didn't know affect the human body! Really an all-round training experience.

Rajinder Kaur   

Japjeet's classes (and her other services) have changed and improved so many things in my life. I have been practicing yoga for 20 years and attending her classes for 5 years and can honestly say she is the most genuine, caring and knowledgeable teacher I have met. I thought I knew lot about yoga before but really didn't! Her classes are always thoroughly prepared along a thematic series and challenging, they are not only instantly beneficial but also have long term effects. What is really unique to Japjeet's teaching is the mix of physical, mental and spiritual benefits which I had never encountered before with other teachers or styles. I highly recommend trying these classes and meeting the most dedicated and wonderful human being teaching them.

Marion Krauthaker   

What a week. So powerful, transforming, a real eye opener. Kundalini yoga already changed a great deal of my life but this womens' retreat was the cherry on the cake. Not that I’m ready, not that I arrived but it pushed me forward on this long road of finding peace with myself, with the world. I am a control freak but this retreat thought me so much about the importance of self care, about the differences between men and women and that we forgot and lost a great deal of our cultural ancient wisdom. Thank you, I am grateful. This week brought me closer to myself.


Thank you for an amazing session. Such a nice mix of simran, breathing and Gurbani accompanied by light exercises to clear the mind and body.

Jasmeet Singh   

My first experience with Kundalini Yoga, guided by wonderful Japjeet, cherished by always caring Ingrid, was a warm call for acting towards a more intensive and better life. I can recommend this for everyone, both men and women, to get healthier and with more love and compassion towards themselves and their beloved ones. Thanks to Japjeet, Ingrid, and the whole group who took us higher. Sat Nam!

Birgitte Devos   

So gratefull for meeting Japjeet. She has so much knowledge and passion. She is so inspiring. The 3 days were emotionally draining for me. And still at the end I felt so much joy in my heart. And peace.
Food was the best.
I hope to do another retraite soon..

Kaatje Molenberghs   

After three quite complicated pregnancies and three very intense labours within a 6.5 year period, my body felt broken... The bones in my pelvis area felt 'loose', my lower back just ached and my upper back hurt so much that I really struggled to hold and breastfeed my newborn. After the very recent birth of my third baby, my beautiful, close friends organised a [3 hour] 'closing the bones' session with Japjeet Kaur Ji. I wasn't cynical about the procedure but I had almost accepted that a 'creaking, clickity, achy' body was the price for my three little blessings and so was part and parcel of my future. The session itself was a very nurturing, healing and powerful experience and I immediately began to slowly feel as though I was getting 'fixed' so much so that I have had two more [3 hour] follow-up sessions. Japjeet Ji listened, soothed and advised. She worked around my needs and the needs of my baby in a very caring and compassionate way. Sometimes we often wonder what to get the new baby and at times neglect the mother... we usually end up buying lots of baby clothes, which don't get me wrong is a lovely, kind gesture but sometimes we need to nurture the mother and what better present than the 'closing the bones' session. A massive thank you to my special friends for this and I will definitely be 'paying it forward' to the next new mummy friend. A very humble and sincere thank u ji to Japjeet Kaur Ji and looking forward to another session soon.

Amandeep Kaur   

This Closing the Bones training has been incredibly eye opening and was taught so beautifully with amazing passion and clarity. I was never made to feel as though I had no knowledge or understanding. The level of care and sensitivity even in teaching the theoretical parts was noticeable.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience so openly and allowing me to learn.

Manjit Kaur   

Just had the most beautiful, intense and truly amazing weekend with some gorgeous ladies, training in Closing the Bones. Japjeet was an extraordinary teacher, gentle but fully delivered the workshop perfectly. Thank you. This work feels beautifully nourishing and deeply healing and can't wait for you to all experience it.

Jayne Davies   

Dear Japjeet,
I receive your newsletters since 2 or 3 years and I really appreciate what you share, it is a great source of inspiration in the choice of kriyas or meditations for my regular KY courses. Thank you, dear sweet sister. May the Guru bless You for ever. Sunderjot Kaur from France.

Claire P   

Wahe guru💕, good luck🍀. En ik kan je niet 💚 genoeg bedanken voor alles wat je me hebt bijgebracht!! Bedankt om er te zijn🙏. Ik ga je missen, maar ik zie je graag terug in Leicester. With love and light, Jotdev X

Annelies Tavernier   

Can't recommend Japjeet's classes and workshops enough! She is a great teacher and holds an incredibly beautiful space for transformation.


My mala arrived today [in New Zealand]. It's stunning. Even better than the picture. Thank you for the loving energy you infused. x

Philippa Ross   

Sat Naam lieve Japjeet,

Het zal moeilijk zijn om een even authentieke Kundalini Teacher als jij te vinden. Gelukkig blijft alles wat je me geleerd hebt, nazinderen, maar... 'Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.' (Joni Mitchell). Ik zal wel niet de enige zijn die dat zo ervaart.

Nu ik wat gewend ben aan mijn nieuwe job, zoek ik terug een spiritueel 'eiland', een soultribe om tot rust te komen. Atheïstische doorsnee yoga kan me niet bekoren.

Leicester ligt niet bij de deur. Maar mocht je ooit nog eens terugkomen naar België, dan mag ik niet aarzelen om me snel in te schrijven.

Sat Naam,
I am that I AM


Dear Japjeet

I am thankful beyond words that I have met you and been formally introduced to kundalini yoga .
Today was a beautiful day, change started from the morning and during my session with you I felt the urge to cry in gratitude !

I can't wait until our next session and will practise what you taught today .

Love, R*


All blessings & wahe guru for all your inspiration and uplifting 🙏

Viktoriya Bakhtina   

Thank you for a lovely class today. I look forward to tomorrow, and it's lovely to be back! Online yoga classes are definitely the benefit of lockdown!

Gwyn Harwood   

Japjeet, thank you SO much for such a wonderful, warm, nurturing [PCOS] workshop!! Thank you for creating such a safe and healing space for us, allowing us to BREATHE and RELAX! It was so helpful, and I can't wait to deepen my self-care and self-understanding, using all the tools you have given me. Thank you for being YOU! All my love and gratitude.

H. Kaur   

I feel deeply grateful and touched by your knowledge and love for the Guru and how it inspired me on my path ! Your presence at the Closing the Bones training was also lovely and your knowledge brought it again to a deeper level... also a beautiful masterclass to finish it 🙏 You can look back with fulfillment for what you brought for so many students in Belgium and for sure it is up to us to do our daily work... I wish you a magnificent next chapter! May the Guru always bless you and guide you to find your way Home...! Always in my heart

Anterjot Kaur   

Bedankt voor alles, jou leren kennen heeft mijn leven veranderd ❤️🍀

Karen Meeuwissen   

I am very much looking forward to yoga with you again! It is vital in my self-care at present so thank you very much. You have come into my life at just the right time! I'm really grateful for your wisdom, kindness and skill.

Prue Yeoman   

I can't get over how amazing and whole I feel [after my Closing the Bones]. Thank you once again, I am beaming. I just feel so much lighter and happier. Like a real sense of fulfillment and acceptance of all things around.

Charan Kaur   

The first love is the deepest ❤️❤️❤️ zoveel dankbaarheid om wat je hebt gegeven. Ik ben blij dat ik een stukje van het pad heb mogen meewandelen. Je licht heeft me uitgenodigd om mijn eigen licht ook helderder te laten schijnen. De mala die ik voor de rest van mijn dagen draag, is mijn eerbetoon aan jou! Welkom aan de vrouw, de moeder, de kom, de creatie! ❤️

Liesje van Hulle   

Wow. How much love and detail you put into your monthly full moon info blog - not to mention your classes! I really loved it.

V. B.   

Japjeet is a very knowledgeable and committed yoga teacher. I've found her to be really welcoming, thoughtful and approachable. Shuniya's services have helped me a lot with my mental health. I would highly recommend.

Jennifer C.   

Het doet me zo'n deugd te yogalessen te kunnen volgen. Ben mijn echtgenoot dankbaar, want dankzij hem ben ik bij jou terecht gekomen. Alvast bedankt voor de fijne lessen, ik hoop ze nog lang te mogen/kunnen volgen!

Leen Frans   

I would like to thank you again for your amazing [PCOS] workshop yesterday and also your hospitality. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed being welcomed into your space in which I felt safe to talk about my health. I came away feeling so content and calm which I have not experienced in a long while (almost 3 months!). I have neglected my mind and body for a while now so it this was a great way to refocus my emotions within. I can't wait to share your advice with my Mum who has underactive thyroid.
I also wanted to ask what the [homemade] blend was for the tea we had? It was lovely and soothing.


Thank you Japjeet, that was a beautiful Rebozo workshop on Zoom and it left me feeling profoundly peaceful. I loved it and felt very supported both physically and emotionally. And also: my Rebozo is my best friend now!


Ik had een hele fijne tijd afgelopen weekend, ik kijk er met een goed gevoel op terug. Het was een mooie ervaring voor mij, met heel veel mooie herinneringen aan mijn tijd in de baarmoeder en mijn kindertijd. Ik had ook het geluk mijn ouders beide te mogen zien gisterenavond en hun toch wel te bedanken voor de liefde en de zorg. Hoewel ik niet wist dat ik een week in het ziekenhuis moest blijven na de geboorte (omdat ik te licht was), verklaarde dit veel waarom ik me toch alleen voelde in het prille begin. Fijn om te weten waar dit vandaan kwam en dit ook in mijn verdere kindertijd vaak een ‘issue’ was.
Enfin, kort gezegd: ik voel me zeer gezegend dat ik dit mocht herbeleven en nog meer te beseffen in wat voor warme thuis ik mocht terechtkomen en opgroeien!


Hi Japjeet. I cannot thank you more for sharing your wisdom and skill with us in Chester the other weekend. I carried such peace with me for almost a week. It is indescribable what that meant to me after all I have been processing in the past few months.

Dani Grange   

Satnaam Japjeet Bhenji,

Thank you for probably the most informative workshop [workshop on PCOS] I have attended! So much to consider, reflect and action.

I started yesterday by enjoying a full day of self-care. Lots of nourishing fresh food, meditation, relaxing and a long soak with the detoxifying blend. Felt so good for doing it and intend to continue with this regularly.

Still absorbing much of the content and am sure I will have some specific questions relating to it but for now, thank you & blessings.

J. H.   

Before coming to see Japjeet (2 years ago now) I didn't have a period for over a year, and I had started wondering if I had gone into (very) early menopause. My periods in the past had always been extremely painful, very heavy, full of dark blood clots, often landing me in hospital as I'd even be too weak to walk. They were quite irregular too.

Japjeet then did a health consultation with me and gave me a liver pack with green clay. The same evening I received my liver pack, I started menstruating spontaneously, and my period has since been 28 days regular, 3-5 days of bleeding fresh blood, without fail, for over a year now!

Also, Japjeet suggested that for my auto-immune Hashimoto's thyroid disease (for which I was on medication), I'd cut out gluten all together. Over the next months I managed to eliminate gluten from my diet, and I soon came off my thyroid medication and since have had normal thyroid values on my tests, plus I'm feeling so much healthier, more balanced, full of energy and joy.

Thank you so much! These were life changing tips, and we only needed one session to give me my health back.

J Kaur   

Sat Naam
Woorden kunnen niet beschrijven hoe dankbaar ik ben om wie jij bent, wat je doet en waarvoor je staat 💗
Mooie wijze vrouw ❤️
Voor ALtijd in mijn hart en zoveel meer... 🌹
Wahe Guru

Lies Franckaert   

Soo good to be back on my mat. A deep and nourishing class - as always.

Dharmi Schumacher   

"Women's Retreat: Excel and Celebrate" sounded like a mystical journey to me since the first time I heard about it… I had an idea of what to expect because I am quite known with the formula of kundalini yoga workshops and women workshops but in no way was I prepared for the profoundness of what we experienced during this week!
What amazes me most is the depth of connection of women who gather, even if they don’t know each other, they See and Hear each other… Everyone has its own insecurities, issues, deep secrets, vibrant unique personality and despite this, it so matches and blends in one radiant group space… A space where everything is allowed to be shared, a space where you feel held, whether if you are just starting out in yoga, life, your path, or whether you already quite aware of who you are and are really want to dive in and go deep…
A big part of this depends on the group, though to me it is very clear too, that a lot of this space is created by the fine example of the Teacher Japjeet Rajbir Kaur Khalsa - and also Prabhu Anand Kaur (Ingrid Klabbers), who lovingly holds the space in the house and nourishes us with deliciously healthy food.
The combination of the firmness and confronting aspect of the Yogic Teachings (and Sikh Dharma - from which a lot of the Teachings origin), are amazingly impressive and a real forte to Japjeet Rajbir’s approach, together with the motherly, sisterly warmth and radiance of both Japjeet Rajbir and Ingrid is quite transformative… It is because they both are really from their Being, you feel almost automatically drawn into Yours. You go in deep right away, though each in its own pace and rhythm.
And I must say (in being a Kundalini Yoga Instructor myself) this combination of teaching and also Being yourself (which is normally not done in Kundalini Yoga - but in this case because you are with Women, it would feel unnatural if you don't, you put yourself out of the circle so you create a missing link) , is really balancing on a very thin line, you really have to know and feel what you are sharing when and when not... And for me Japjeet Rajbir, mastered it, we could See her All, her beautiful naked Women Soul and at the same time, she knew when to poke, provoke, confront and elevate as a true Teacher needs to do!
I could go on about the program, the Love, the comfort, the ‘at home’ness, the beautiful surroundings and pure nature at the location, the extra sacred ‘Closing the Bones’ sessions Japjeet Rajbir offers, the food, the healing effect,… but I would just say, come and experience this for yourself, because that was the best part! For always engraved in Soul and Heart!
Sat Naam Sri Wahe Guru _/_

Sadhan Kaur   

Three weeks without your classes is way too long. I'm back tomorrow!


The retreat was a great boost and just what I needed in order to meet autumn with lots of energy! The place itself is beautifully situated in a calm area where you can go for nice walks during breaks. The classes where very well organised by Japjeet - probably one of the best yoga teachers I have ever encountered (and I've had a few!), as well as challenging and informative. I have learned a lot, met really nice people, and eaten lots of delicious vegan food thanks to the great cooking by Ingrid and Mathilda. This retreat exceeded my expectations and I would recommend to anybody looking for some time out from life's daily routine and stress.


This lady, is magical, and a true, true healer, whom I have been blessed enough to be held by, in shawls, in words, and in her healing massage techniques...for any woman who is struggling with any womanly issue or trauma, I cannot recommend Japjeet at Shuniya Kundalini Yoga enough.

The thought of training with this beautiful soul next year, fills me with utmost happiness and joy for the festive season xxxx

Anna Hobbs   

Wow, mijn energieveld trilt nog steeds op al die liefdevolle, good vibes, van in de vrouwenweek enkele weken geleden. Iedere vrouw aanwezig, zo mooi, zo puur, zacht, liefdevol en openhartig.
Wat hebben we veel mogen delen en van mekaar mogen leren. De mooie opbouw van deze week, iedere dag werken rond een specifiek thema, de heerlijke gezonde lunches, tussendoortjes en avondmaal, samen met de eindmeditatie in de Yurt 's avonds, maakte dat dit een heel intense en TRANSFORMERENDE week voor me was (is). Ik voel de kracht en de discipline om echt iedere dag vroeg op te staan (6.00 uur) om mijn gekozen kriuya en meditatie te doen voor 40 dagen op rij. Ook iedere avond voor het slapen gaan doe ik de Evening Prayer en het gaat super goed. Zo voel ik dat ik verbonden blijf met de energie van die week.

2 weken later ben ik dan de workshop over de wervelkolom gaan volgen waar we heel wat fysiek werk verrichten. En waar ik dan nog dieper ben kunnen gaan helen in mijn lichaam. Ideaal.
Ik voel me inderdaad THUISKOMEN en heb dan ook meteen besloten de Kundalini Teacheropleiding te volgen. Ik geef al yoga, maar deze vorm wil ik zeker verder delen en mijn persoonlijke ervaring en enthousiasme met zoveel mogelijk anderen delen.
Het is ieders geboorterecht gelukkig te leven en te stralen in LICHT & LIEFDE.
WAHE GURU, Dank je wel Japjeet, ik ben zo blij jou te leren kennen, je bent een voorbeeld voor velen.
Sat Nam,
Taran Nidhan

Taran Nidhan Kaur   

It has been just a few weeks since I participated in the Excel and Celebrate retreat with Japjeet, Ingrid and 13 inspiring women from many different backgrounds and at different stages in their life experience. I am already noticing the differences in my life and feeling the benefits of this multi-faceted experience. I feel truly honoured to have been able to participate in this life-changing course. Japjeet is a passionate, knowledgeable and 'human' teacher. She does not teach from a parapet, but is able to identify with and make time for every single woman in the room. The course was truly geared towards real-life situations allowing us to learn for ourselves simple ways to improve our current lives and relationships, based on the incredible Kundalini Yoga teachings. Japjeet is able to create an incredible atmosphere of love and trust, allowing women from many different walks of life to inspire and support one another on this journey of self-discovery. This is not your average yoga retreat - it brings up things, awakens new opportunities and ways of seeing - all in a totally supportive environment. Ingrid, our wonderful host has created a haven of love, peace and tranquility that is evident in the delicious food that she makes and the beautiful space that she has created. I have come home with a more open-hearted and joyful approach to life. Current challenges that I was experiencing in my relationship and my work feel much lighter. Stress and unease, that had become such a normal part of my life have reduced, and I have thus created more space for joy. I feel healthier, more energetic and inspired to create the life that I want for myself and my partner. This retreat is a true gift for any woman wanting to improve her life, health and relationships.

Libby Ferguson   

Thank you Japjeet for such an amazing experience in this Rebozo Women's Circle. It was quite profound for me.

Gabriella Coorey   

Dear Japjeet, I had a peaceful and restful night after the retreat and the first thing that came to my mind was the song "I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful"!!! As I am cooking my oats I just can't stop having the tune in my head and under the shower I made sure I sang it out loud. I am happy today full of energy and feeling new. Thank you!


The best, most fantastic lady ever x

Rebecca Brittain   

I recently was looking for rebozos to practice rebozo massage. Looking online, I found really beautiful ones, but also too expensive for me at the moment. Then I contacted Japjeet Kaur, because I knew she is also selling rebozos. And she gave me a link to her webshop with many different rebozo styles and various prices. With all the variety and the special offer that was running at that time, I decided for 3 instead of 2.
What I really like about ordering with Japjeet is that she is incredibly helpful, serviceful and fast.

Bachitar Kaur de Hommel   

Thanks so much for today, great session! I thoroughly enjoyed it and took away so much more even than in the first session I attended!

Sati Sondh   

I am feeling SO good after our 1-2-1 online classes! The moment my class finishes I already start smiling at the thought of our next session. I feel this natural high - not as from a drug, but just this profound happiness that lasts all week!

Anwar Alessa   

Thank you Japjeet for all your wonderful teachings. Hope to meet you again, somewhere, somehow🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕

Doke Oosterholt   

I’m so gratefull for all the teachings I received from you Japjeet🙏🏻. My life has made beautifull shifts through the different workshops I followed and the practice in daily life of course😉. Whahe Guru🙏🏻✨How can I ever thank you for all the presents you brought into my life.
Thx for all the Blessings.
Sat Nam🙏🏻💗🙏🏻

Taran Nidhaan Kaur   

Dear Japjeet, Thank you for your wonderful workshop on Friday. I really enjoyed it and felt much loser and lighter afterwards. Your description of kundalini yoga as being "transformational" really fits with my experience. The physical yoga felt like it was drawing my awareness towards aspects of my emotional issues and thinking patterns (and how they hold me back in my life.) Thoughts such as "am I getting this right", " I'm getting it all wrong" etc. kept popping into my head as they usually do and as they did I found myself physically blocked from moving, or making jerky uncoordinated movements and breath, the thoughts interfered with me carrying out the tasks. This gave me an insight into how much my self-talk holds me back in my life and a rare sense of clarity. As I continued working through the physical blockages I could feel a shift emotionally. It was powerful and I am very grateful to you for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Knowing that you have been through and not just survived depression but really found a sense of purpose and well-being gives me a lot of hope.

My experience on Friday and the calm and well-being I felt afterwards (and getting a good night's sleep for once!) has made me realise that I would like to commit to a daily practice. I know that being realistic I will probably not have time for a full kriya everyday but even if I just manage to do some breathing exercises and spend ten minutes I know it will make a difference. Ideally I would like to commit to a weekly class (especially as what you were saying about the importance of connecting with others on the same path really resonated for me) but I know that realistically I cannot do that either at this time because of my family situation but I will continue to come when I can.

I know I am writing a lot but I really wanted to let you know how much it meant to me and that your workshop awoke something very good for me. That night as I watched my daughter sleeping I felt such gratitude for having her and I thanked God. She is 16 months old and never have I actually thanked God for the blessing that she is. It was a real wake up call for me. I lost my faith when I was 12 years old and it's when my depression started. These practices have given me some clarity and restored some faith...It's like getting a glimpse of the path and what is possible.

There are three big things that I have taken away from your workshop (apart from a taste of the peace, clarity and freedom that I now know is possible.)
The first is to be grateful for what I have and see the gifts and blessings in life rather than walking around feeling doomed and cursed. The second is a desire to serve and help others and to build positive relationships, the third is a feeling of something very hard to label but a taste of there being something more, a divine is perhaps the best word.

So from the bottom of my heart thank you. If there ever comes a time that you need any thing or a volunteer please let me know.


I can't recommend Japjeet enough, her classes really lift up your spirits. I have now been joining her classes for 2.5 years and it's been the most blissful, eye opening, loving experience I have ever endured. My life was very different before I discovered Japjeet's classes. I now use this practice to feed my soul, and to build resilience in my mind and my spirit in a way I wasn't able to before. If you're thinking of trying Kundalini yoga, try it with Japjeet. You won't regret it 🙂

Eliška Křížová   

Another lovely class this week. I enjoyed the challenge & lots of varied postures. My back really doesn't like any strong forward bends - ligaments overstretched & overworked over the years I think. But you are teaching me to love my body more as it gently ages. Not something I've ever really done. I'm so grateful to be able to join your classes.

Theresa Banovic   

I loved this weekend [Closing the Bones training] so much, feel like it has changed me as a person if I'm honest. Such incredible women to spend a weekend with, eternally grateful.

Claire Porter   

Highly recommended for yoga, treatments and beautiful malas and self care products!

Sangeeta Kaur   

Many thank yous Japjeet, I was so pleased to join you again this evening for online yoga. Not only have I gotten out of bedtime duty 2 nights running but I've felt a massive shift in myself. I've felt more productive. I absolutely love the breath work. I've never done anything like it before. I'll definitely be joining again. I appreciate how you relate the practice to the moon and the meridians. Thank you for your care and the multi-faceted detail you provide.

Kerry Taylor   

A while ago, Japjeet phenji was at a Sikhi Camp giving a workshop on meditation. It was truly amazing, I felt I could connect with God. I felt like I was transported somewhere else and felt truly tranquil. As soon as I can, I want to join the Zoom classes. Thanks a lot for this phenji, I've never forgotten that meditation session!


Hi Japjeet!!
More mysterious stuff has happened to me this week! It's quite surreal and I am still wondering if it is mind over matter!!! Or, like you say, Kundalini Yoga really is powerful stuff!!
I am going through lots of changes at the moment in this stage of my life so i think it is a combination of everything... there is a reason why I sought after your yoga in the first place. And I think it is working beyond what I ever imagined.
I am really enjoying Wednesday mornings and really learning A LOT from it all. Thank you!


Japjeet is the most wonderful teacher. I cannot recommend highly enough. 10 stars

Elisabeth Spooner   

Just wanted to say how much I am appreciating my yoga classes with you. I find that the practices I am doing with you are creating a wonderful balance in my life. A profound thank you. I feel connected and grounded through the practices you are teaching.

Lorrayn de Peyer   

Dear Japjeet, I wanted to express my deep gratitude for such a beautiful journey together over the closing the bones training in Chester. Thank you for your work and presence in the world.

Rebecca Wilson   

I loved all your explanations and demonstrations during the Closing the Bones training. It was a very relaxing atmosphere in the training and we had a wonderful group. The whole-body Closing the Bones ceremony and the singing was amazing, thank you!

Joanna Junker   

I would highly recommend anybody thinking about trying Kundalini Yoga to go to one of Japjeet’s classes. Japjeet has a natural warmth and energy that instantly puts you at ease. You are encouraged to push yourself in every class, and the yoga practice really is a life changing experience. Kundalini yoga is known as the yoga of awareness, and has really helped me to connect with my inner awareness on a multitude of levels and allowed me to feel more balanced and grounded in my day to day activities. If you're wondering about Kundalini yoga, want to gain clarity in your life, heal yourself or expand your knowledge/Awareness then I fully recommend taking the next step & booking a class/workshop with Japjeet! It’s one of the best choices I have made!💫

Simon Aitchison   

Thanks Japjeet, it was terrific to practice again after all this time and to be able to join you online now!


I wanted to say thank you for the many years of teaching I've had from you. I feel so fortunate to have found a teacher like you - so committed and authentic - when I was looking to start Kundalini Yoga. I like the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." I must have been ready!

James Dunham   

Japjeet, Thank you for all the teachings I received during all those retreats I followed in Pellenberg and the beautiful women’s retreat in Gozo, they changed my direction in life❤️

Miriam Daemen   

I literally cannot put into words how my life has changed for the better since finding this wonderful and wise teacher and beautiful human 🤩🥰 Japjeet is very knowledgeable, kind, understanding, helpful and extremely good at what she does.. which is a lot! I have attended many of her classes and some of her amazing Rebozo ceremonies. I have bought her beautiful Neal's Yard and homemade products. I always get a great service and a little bit extra, the intention of love and service is so strongly felt. Thank you 🙏🏼 💚

The Natural Rhythm of Yoga   

Phenji, I have never met anyone who teaches with such deep care, love and compassion for her students and prioritises their well-being over anything else.

Harmesh Singh   

Thank you so much for the online Rebozo workshop today, feel out of my head and in my body after what feels like agesss, I feel so together, I wasn't expecting it to be so powerful online. Will try and show my mum how to wrap herself because she gets really bad cramps and lower back pains xx


Japjeet is a gentle soul working with integrity and passion. Her yoga classes are masterpieces that combine physical, emotional and spiritual elements. Can highly recommend.

Claire Recordon   

Thank you Japjeet for a truly beautiful Closing the Bones training weekend and for sharing your wisdom and passion so we can take this remarkable ceremony into our communities. I really believe that every woman needs to experience Closing of the Bones. I wish I had found it sooner and I will be proud to become a Bone Closer... yes a full-on weekend. I hope you realise it's so appreciated and how many people's lives this will touch.

Jackie Searle   

You are a blessing to all women Japjeet, honestly... I'm still feeling the benefits from my 'Closing the Bones' a few weeks back. I have been on top of the world! Thank you xxxx

Anna Hobbs   

Your sessions are doing wonders. I already feel very calm and sure of myself. I can’t explain the feeling but everything in my gut where we have been working with the 3rd chakra is so strongly activated. I can feel it waving through me all the way to my throat chakra, which is allowing me to speak with confidence.

Thank you so much. I am truly grateful to have you as my teacher ♥️

Anwar Alessa   

Alhoewel ik weer supervroeg op moest voor mijn vroege shift op het vliegveld, was ik vanochtend super relaxed. Ik voel me werkelijk herboren.... De retreat was zoals altijd super interessant. Altijd toch weer nieuwe dingen te leren. Leuke groep. Het eten was lekker en met liefde bereid.


Hello Japjeet,
I just wanted to say thank you for my beautiful closing the bones ceremony on my birthday. It was quite deep and profound on many levels, I feel the ripples! Very grateful. Thank you for allowing [my children] Tallulah to be there & Rumi.
My daughter took a photo when you were reading the poem, with your permission, may I share it and write about my positive experience in the hope that it may impact on your desire to “spread the word” and have more women experience it.
I think that I would definitely at some point in the future like to return for another treatment so I’m saving up to come again,
Much warmth,
Louisa x

Louisa Darling (Barefoot)   

I really enjoyed the massage yesterday and felt more relaxed than I have in a very long time. I saw my mum and sister in the afternoon and they commented that I seemed different, that even my posture was different. I felt so much softer in my shoulders and a sense of calm and clarity so thank you very much for giving me that experience.


Never realised how much I needed these classes.

Yasmine Khan   

Japjeet is super knowledgeable and immensely hard working and very passionate about what she teaches and provides in her services and all her products. Really recommend Japjeet for all her services. Amazing yoga, massages and products. She puts all her heart and love into it.

Tajinder H   

Dear Japjeet, I am so glad to receive your newsletters each month. I particularly like the information about the Full Moon as I no longer get that from anywhere else. It reminds me that some of the things that are happening are just passing.
Om Shanti, Lesley


What a beautiful deep and affirming weekend of Closing the Bones training. I'm in such awe, gratitude and clarity of serving women with what we have been honoured to have learned from you. I have been practicing on my partner and wrapping my hips. He is also in awe of this magical rebozo.
You teach in such a beautiful held and feminine way, with so much integrity and truth. I felt my relationship to God strengthen just through being around you.
I'm so grateful...

Ellie M.   

I don't know what you did but I feel great! Like I have been given a new set of legs!

Ramanpreet Kaur   

A while ago, Japjeet Penji was at a Sikhi camp giving a workshop on meditation. It was truly amazing and I felt I could connect with God. I felt like I was transported somewhere else and felt truly tranquil. As soon as I can, I want to join the zoom classes 🙂
Thanks a lot for this Penji, I have never forgotten that meditation session!

Im Wa   

Sat naam jio
I've wanted to thank you for the longest time for the fantastic products. I'm so happy with them. The deodorant works brilliantly, and for a next order I already have a number of other people who enthusiastically want to order the deodorant!

Hari Karam Kaur   

Sat nam Japjeet... just wanted to say a huge thank you for your skill and kindness in preparing the homemade bug repellent and antihistamine ... amazing - up a mountain meditating and in the Forrest or at the waterfall - only x2 bites in x2 weeks and instant relief - healed in x2 days... no chemicals or pharmaceuticals required. Love, light, blessings and joy to you Jx

Jay Evans   

Zeer leerrijke retreat, die de uitdagende vraag 'Wie ben ik?' in een yogisch - Oosters perspectief plaatst. Japjeet gaat met deze retreat in de diepte en raakt daarmee de kern van waar het in kundalini yoga om draait. Zij geeft niet alleen een theoretisch kader maar weet op een boeiende wijze de vijf dieven (Panj Chor) die de mind voortdurend kapen en misleiden te beschrijven zodat ze niet alleen inzichtelijk maar haast tastbaar worden. Daarbij draagt ze niet alleen belemmeringen en moeilijkheden aan om met deze bedriegers om te gaan maar reikt ze ook de nodige praktische tools aan om het spel met hen te gaan spelen op het spelbord van het leven! Zeer leerrijk, afwisselend en uitdagend gegeven door een teacher waar de autoriteit op positieve wijze van afstraalt. Ook locatie en de kookkunst en zorgen van Ingrid Klabbers droegen natuurlijk bij tot een geslaagd en waardevol weekend. Kortom een retreat die zeker invloed zal hebben op mijn persoonlijke sadhana en leefstijl…een aanrader!

L i am Simrit Shiva S.   

Thank youuuuu for a truly beautiful afternoon of Closing the Bones. Wowzersssss do I feel different, just walking home felt so different in my legs, hips, everywhere! Eeeeekkkk so looking forward to seeing and feeling the changes over the next few days, gonna rest well and take a lovely salt bath this evening.
Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuu, I'm so grateful and full of joy!
Ps my partner says I'm taller [after a rebozo massage to rehydrate the fascia] hahaha love it!

Gemma Claricoates   

Sat Naam, Thank you bhainji, the lovely mala arrived yesterday. I shall try and look after it with as much care and respect as I can - hopefully, I can manage somewhere close to how much love and care I know you have invested in it when you put it together!

Harmesh Singh   

Thank you very much for the session this week. I have a feeling you may well see quiet a bit of me during this winter!

Lorrayn de P.   

I slept like a baby last night and woke up at 11am - must have been needed [after my Closing the Bones session]. My partner left me sleeping. I took my time today, had a salt bath and done lots of dancing. Feeling amazingggg thank youuuu.
Feeling so brand new... It's unexplainable but such a good feeling within! I've been singing your praises all day, so much thanks and gratitude for yourself.

Gemma Claricoates   

Japjeet is an amazing teacher. Going to her lessons literally saved my mental health. Though I don’t live in Leicester anymore, the experience of going to her classes has meant I developed a sense of home within myself that I can access anywhere. I am eternally grateful for all that she taught me.

Charlotte Jermy   

I want to say a heartfelt thank you to my dear sister Japjeet. I had a wonderful afternoon of deep relaxation with Japjeet and felt very connected. She is respectful, kind and gives her all. I was blessed to have a closing bones session with her, which I just didn't want to end!. I would highly recommend Japjeet, she has a lovely aura about her and is dedicated to serving others, which is evident in her work.

I hope to see and benefit more from her 🙂

Thank you xx


Kundalini Yoga with Japjeet - powerful stuff 🙂
Japjeet is 100% committed and walking the talk of yogic/Sikh living. Very knowledgeable. I had the pleasure of spending several days at Japjeet's place for a Kundalini Yoga workshop; Japjeet went out of her way to make it an unforgettable experience for me, which it was; I would go as far as to say it was, by the Grace of the Guru, a life-changing stay.
I am also the lucky owner of one of Japjeet's beautiful malas; an order is handled with the utmost attention and care by Japjeet.
I am hoping to take a Kundalini Yoga massage course with Japjeet in the future.

Charlotte Schaldemose   

Thank you so much for a beautiful Closing the Bones ceremony this morning and all the care. Sisterly love and presence is so precious in these times. More sorrow has now been lifted and as you unwrapped me, I understood the attraction to the brighter colours of rebozos I wanted to be wrapped in: I felt every part of my body shining yellow and orange as each rebozo lifted!
I felt honoured to have been the first one back in person after the lockdowns. Thank you, much love

Marion K.   

My beautiful rebozos arrived today. They are far more wonderful in person than in the images, so I'm really pleased with them. The weaving patterns are just beautiful. I couldn't see those details on screen. Thank you for all your support in getting me onto the right sort, helping with the colours, and arranging their trans-Channel postage!

Gabriella Coorey   

Thank you so much for an awesome online Rebozo workshop! It's been a long time since I've attended anything that comes even close.
I feel so light in my body! The sense of peace and wellbeing I have surpasses anything I was expecting.
Thank you so much for holding such a beautiful space and being so present.
I look forward to seeing you in person soon.
Much Love, Amelia🌺🙏

Amelia Gardiner   

Thanks again for such an enlightening Zoom session on "Gut Health as Key to Physical and Mental Health." I am so thankful to you for sharing a snippet of your wealth of knowledge with all of us. I know it is springing me into a path I want to take and go further with.

Marie Lefebvre   

Hi Japjeet, I'm desperate for [another] deodorant pot again! Urgent delivery required 😂. I thought I could manage with my old salt stick one, but it's nowhere near yours! Can u post me out a big pot asap please?

Helen Hilmi   

I can't thank you! You know why, you told me. But I know that for you there is new service waiting. I console myself now - knowing wherever the teacher is, spiritual progress rests within ourselves. A teacher can show us the way as the Guru does, but it is up to each of us to walk the path or not. I trust to walk. And I know where you live 🙂

Sangeeta Kaur   

What a beautiful, relaxing and nourishing Rebozo session with you! Thank you so much, I have learnt some very valuable techniques today!


That was truly the most loving thing I've ever experienced - it was like a hug that wouldn't end, and the most amazing part was that it was a hug with myself. It was unexpected and overwhelming. It was like everything that ever existed and will ever exist, all at the same time.
It was everything I ever needed, and everything I needed right now but didn't even know I needed.
It was pure love given, without any expectation back.
I love my babies so much, but now I also love myself so much.
Lying wrapped up like that, with glimpses of the past and of the future, of what I've lost and what will still come into my life.
Thank you so deeply. This was bliss.


Japjeet Bhenji is simply a beautiful being. From the communication prior to treatment, to the hospitality once arriving at her warming space, I can’t recommend the Closing the Bones treatment enough!

Charanjit Kaur   

Best Kundalini teacher I have had the pleasure of meeting and a wonderful human being at that! Great classes, well measured and a lot of supplementary information on blogs to accompany them. This isn't a boutique yoga school but is the real thing for anyone interested in spiritual development.

Jody Burley   

Excellent Closing the Bones training! Thanks so much Japjeet - such passion, clarity and depth....


Wow, still very deeply moved [after Closing the Bones training] and just wrapped my hips actually. Your beauty shines and gives such confidence and confirmation to this deep inner knowing that we are meant to share and be there for each other!
Gentleness is so powerful.
Presence so works.
Thank you for such a priceless and powerful experience!
Sisterhood in action.
Such inspiration!
Just what I needed!
Love you xx

Devinder Kaur   

We go way back, Japjeet and I. I witnessed her on her path to become a gracious teacher in very precious topics. All retreats i followed were set in the most safe space where the most beautiful and profound things happened. I have great respect for her and her teachings. She brought me the Closing the Bones ritual in my life during a women retreat in Belgium. I was instant deeply touched by this ritual given in a soft and tender way with all her heart. This is who she is, a gracious soul offering the most precious and nourishing sessions with all her heart, with all her love. Her teachings are filled with so much wisdom and knowledge that it triggers something deep inside you…as you are embraced with deep respect for what she cares for.
Always looking forward to meet her in real life since the opportunities are few now she lives in the UK.
But we keep in touch … often .. as i enjoy what she offers in her webshop from tea blends to deodorants to hand cream and body lotion. All great products !
And of course her rebozos. Her posts of new mantas are very tempting to buy some new ones to use in my sessions.
Main thing is … she is just amazing in all she offers and i am most grateful that i have her in this life !


Japjeet is such a beautiful, loving and intuitive practitioner. She makes you feel so at ease but also guides you to become in tune with yourself. I was on a Closing the Bones training with Japjeet and it was one of the most life changing experiences I've had, I could not recommend Japjeet enough, I have been suggesting her and her services to everyone!!

Gurkiran Kaur   

Yesterday I experienced the incredible 'Closing the Bones'. Ten years after my first out of three children was born, and after a very traumatic emotional time these last few months. The treatment was so wonderful. I felt safe, looked after, respected and nurtured. I felt how my figure was before being so stretched and now it came back, & my belly button opening even shrunk. I feel different, walk different, and am realigned. Truly recommended for all women. I feel I can reclaim the control of myself. A million thank you's. I feel even better this morning!

Anna Hobbs   

I was first introduced to Japjeet via my wife who had been going to her classes for a couple of years. I decided to join Japjeet’s classes and I can say she is a master of her craft and is very knowledgeable. I would definitely recommending joining her classes it’s a life changer. Thank you Japjeet! 🙏

Amz V   

A deep felt Thank You, dear Japjeet - for the perfect KY Trinity Masterclass yesterday - and for being a lighthouse on my path of KY and love for the Guru 💚🙏✨ Blessings and Light, Ekjotee Kaur


I wish you all the best on your new adventure Japjeet ji, you are in my heart and in my soul 💞. You brought the best out of me! Wahe guru xxx

Livjot Kaur   

I absolutely loved the Closing the Bones training! I was unsure as to what to expect but it was so eye-opening and an honour to learn! Japjeet was fantastic as a teacher! I cannot recommend this enough to others and am so grateful that I came!

Pardeep Kaur   

[After a Closing the Bones ceremony : ] I have not felt this relaxed in years, and I can't imagine feeling more relaxed than this ever. When I woke up from being wrapped in your rebozos, it felt like it wasn't even the same day anymore, as if one or two days had passed since I walked in and you started this work.


Thanks for everything. It's been the best year ever. And the yoga is a big part of it!

I. A.   

Amazing. This feels like every woman should have access to Closing the Bones. I feel blessed to have found this work and for your beautiful deep, tender teaching.

Ellie Manners   

Sat Naam Japjeet,

Het was een super weekend. Toen ik maandagochtend wakker werd op de tonen van Rakhe Rakhanhar kreeg ik alle antwoorden op mijn vragen die ik zondagavond had. Het mooiste geschenk, te weten wie je bent, wat je pad is en oneindig verbonden zijn met de aarde en al zijn levensvormen. Ik ben eindelijk ook thuis hier op aarde.

Dankjewel xxxxxx


After having multiple miscarriages and a hysterectomy, I went to see Japjeet Kaur for the very soothing closing of the bones ceremony. The entire process was so perfectly gentle and in a comfortable environment. There is an innate healing energy from Japjeet Kaur that was so very delicately balanced and left me feeling lighter - physically and emotionally. As someone who studies the science of the mind in relation to results, I have to say that this is one of the definite factors for my personal healing and my professional strides.
On top of all of this, she has an incredible array of products and an exemplary knowledge of a work that is carried out with love and compassion. Thank you so much for helping me with my healing. I would come to you again and again!

Gurpreet Kaur   

I have been joining Japjeet penji’s online classes and I’ve learned so much! I have become more in-tune with myself and absolutely love the classes. I highly recommend the classes to everyone!

Manpreet Kaur   

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