What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga (KY) is a powerful Raj Yoga filled with the technology of meditation & mindfulness, pranayama, diet and lifestyle. It offers a way to live as a Warrior-Saint within the practical, day-to-day role as a householder. Kundalini Yoga has the explicit goal to enable you to live life as a Warrior-Saint and remain non-attached in the face of all the polarities and the reactions these provoke. The Warrior-Saint embraces and celebrates life with deep engagement, commitment and joy.
KY is a very potent and effective system of self-transformation and personal development that uses and combines the following techniques:
- pranayama (breathing techniques)
- asanas (body postures / movements)
- mudras (hand-postures)
- mantras (sound currents or mentally produced sounds)
- bandhas (body locks / muscle contractions)
- dhristi (mental and eye focus)
Kundalini Yoga is mainly characterised by quite dynamic, repetitive exercises, a strong attention to the breath which helps intensify the effects of the poses with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards, and the use of mantras. The exercises help you to become more aware of your physical, mental and emotional condition and to subsequently influence them in a positive way - hence KY is also called 'The Yoga of Awareness'. The overall result of a regular KY practice is the balancing of the Chakras (energy wheels or centers along the spine), the opening of the 3 main Nadis and consequently all the smaller ones, the balancing of the 5 Pranaas, the 5 Koshas, and the alignment of our 10 spiritual bodies (these are: the soul body, negative mind, positive mind, neutral mind, the physical body, arc line, auric body, pranic body, subtle body and radiant body). This in turn awakens us to who we really are: spiritual beings having a human experience.
Kundalini Yoga in Relation to Other Forms of Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is known as 'the mother of all yoga forms'; it is the origin and the most powerful form of all 22 schools of yoga. It can be seen as the diamond - while all other yoga forms have developed a facet of that diamond, KY integrates all the facets and is therefore the most holistic form of yoga.
The Yoga sutras (writings) state that the effect of just 1 year of perfectly practiced KY equals the effect of practicing 12 years of Hatha Yoga, plus 6 years of Raja Yoga, plus 3 years of Mantra Yoga, plus 1 year of Laya Yoga.