Experience What it Is Like to Be Fully Stress-Free!

Restorative Full-Body Massage

In this restorative anti-stress massage (from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga) 12 specific nerve points (5 on the front of the body, 7 on the back) are massaged in sequence, allowing the nervous system to deeply relax, repair and rejuvenate. The touch is very light as we don't target the muscles, but the effect is incredibly deep. This massage is not oil-based, and is done over the clothes. Japjeet is one of the only therapists in the UK and Europe providing this particular type of massage, so it is definitely worthwhile travelling to Leicester for.

This massage is especially recommended for people who have high stress-levels and a fast-pace life and/or who find it difficult to relax; for people suffering from anxiety and/or panic attacks; for people with cancer going through chemo or radiotherapy; for people with an imbalanced or damaged nervous system; for people with fertility issues – and of course for anyone wanting to experience a truly deep state of relaxation.

We recommend 10 consecutive treatments of this massage to let the body fully restore itself to its natural stress-free state, but even just one treatment will leave you feeling very relaxed and rejuvenated.

  • Duration: 60 mins
  • Women only
  • Please do not wear any perfume for the massage, as it will likely give either of us or both of us a severe headache.
Note: The massage is done fully clothed – please wear comfortable clothing through which I can easily work.

Restorative Foot Massage

The feet are the site of the end- or starting points for half of the meridians in the body (all of the lower-body meridians) as well as and endpoint for many nerves. They also provide a map of the entire body with each area of the feet corresponding to a certain organ or body part (as understood and used in reflexology).

This specific foot massage sequence allows us to:

  • Balance and repair the entire nervous system
  • Work on the meridian system
  • Bring about whole-body balancing
  • Target specific areas, organs or glands for healing
  • Leave you in state of absolutely profound relaxation
  • Offer deep and lasting rejuvenation.

The truly deep level of relaxation that can be attained with this massage is worth expanding on a little more. Most of my foot massage clients will fall into a deep sleep; snoring isn’t unusual, nor is drooling 😊 . One female (heterosexual) friend even asked me to marry her after I gave her a foot massage for the first time. Some of the feedback I have had on my foot massages are: “You could become a millionaire from this if you market yourself right” and “I feel a gazillion times better after this massage.”

  • Duration: 60 mins.
  • Women only.
  • Please do not wear any perfume for the massage, as it will likely give either of us or both of us a severe headache.