£ 33.50

27 bead 8mm Verawood (Palo Santo / Green Sandalwood) & Matte Picasso Marble/Jasper Mala on orange thread. Ready to be sent out.

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Ready to be sent out.

18cm long (Inner circumference 23cm).


Verawood (aka Palo Santo, aka Green Sandalwood, aka Wood of Life)

Summary: Base Chakra– Keywords: Cleansing Negative Energies, Protection from Negative Energies, Focus, Insight, Healing – Physical & mental health: ADHD, brain fog, pregnancy brain, mom brain, perimenopausal brain, menopausal brain, absorbs toxins.

Picasso Jasper (Picasso Marble)

Summary: Base Chakra, Second Chakra, Navel Chakra, Heart Chakra – Keywords: Friendship, Nurturing, Grounding, Calm, Peace, Wholeness, Protects physically and psychically, Self-discipline, Motivation, Creativity, Harmony, Heals relationships, Aids sleep, Prosperity – Physical & mental health: Insomnia, weight loss, viral infections, eye problems, digestive system, immune system, nightmares & night terrors.


Verawood (aka Palo Santo, aka Green Sandalwood (Lignum Vitae ‘Wood of Life’))

Green Verawood is known around the world under many names. It’s known as Palo Santo in Spanish (‘Holy Wood’) or well-known also as Green Sandalwood (as it has a distinct natural fragrance like Sandalwood), and it’s also known as the ‘Wood of Life’, after its Latin name Lignum Vitae.

This world-famous wood is produced in tropical rainforests of Latin America, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina and Paraguay. These beads come from sustainable sourced Verawood — it’s a wood that is endangered, as it grows very slowly and has a very limited natural stock, and its export is strongly regulated.

The original colour of Verawood is pale yellowish brown. It darkens under sunlight and turns to forest green – and as the wood (/beads) ages, it becomes more green. Verawood has a distinct, perfume-like fragrance (that many will know from the various uses of Palo Santo oil, the oil that is distilled from this wood) that will longer around you as you wear or use the mala. The beads have beautiful and vivid patterns.

Verawood’s properties pertain to cleansing negative energies and protecting from them, inducing meditative states (especially through its fragrance), helping with focus – great for ADHD, brain fog, pregnancy/mom brain and perimenopausal brain – , providing greater insights and assisting with physical, mental and emotional healing. The beads are said to bless the wearer with peace and healing, and because the wood (and any carvings from it) was considered very auspicious, it was extremely popular in e.g. the courts of the Qing Dynasty in China.

Verawood is also known to absorb toxins and pull them out of the body.


Picasso Jasper (Picasso Marble)

Picasso-Marble is also called Picasso Stone or Picasso Jasper. It’s a type of marble that’s actually metamorphosed limestone. This stone is very aptly named because it looks like brush strokes of browns, blacks, and greys on the surface of the stone. These patterns are created by iron oxides and form as lines and veins. Picasso-Marble truly does resemble an abstract painting by cubist painter Pablo Picasso!

Picasso-Marble is an extremely nurturing stone. It will support and sustain you during your times of stress or difficulties. It will give you what you need for you to get past the difficult stage, and it will do so with love and protection.

Picasso-Marble is also a very grounding and calming stone. It will be your companion stone during your challenging period, and it will make sure that you are connected strongly to reality. This stone will bring you feelings of peace, calm, and wholeness. That is why it’s also an excellent meditation stone. Picasso-Marble will offer security and stability during tumultuous times, or during times of transformation. It’s a stone that will keep you calm even in the most tumultuous instance. It will help you keep a level head so that you can make the best decisions and the right choices.

It’s also a very protective stone that will keep you safe from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual harm. It will remove all the negative energies that surround your aura, and it will protect you from any kind of physical or psychical attacks. This stone will keep you safe from yourself, from your loved ones, and from people who don’t want to see you happy. You can place Picasso-Marble underneath your pillow so that you can have complete relaxation. This will allow your body to relax quickly, and you will also fall asleep right away. The energies of Picasso-Marble will drive away the negative energies. It will keep the bad dreams and night terrors at bay as well.

Picasso-Marble will also remind you to celebrate life as much as you can. Life is too short, so just go ahead and enjoy yourself! Live a little, but not to the extent of being reckless or irresponsible. (When you would pair it with Unakite, Picasso-Marble will also boost your creativity and allow you to harness your inner strength. Your creative thoughts will be made manifest into your work, and you will be easily achieving your goals.)

This stone will encourage self-discipline. You will not easily give in to whims or temptations that will take your eyes off your goals. You will be very discerning on the things that you will put your efforts on, and you will find creative ways to keep yourself motivated. This stone will encourage you to persevere and just keep going, no matter how scary or difficult. You have your willpower to help you overcome your challenges. Picasso-Marble will increase your self-control so that you will be more satisfied and proud of your choices and decisions.

Picasso-Marble will bring peace and harmony to challenging situations, and it will encourage you to relax and have a good time. It will reassure you that your problems will not go away if you keep worrying about them. It will remind you that a relaxed and calm mind can think of the best solutions, so there’s no need to get so worked up.

This stone will also give you the freedom to make changes in your life according to your life purpose. It will give you clarity and inner sight, and you will be able to understand your inner thoughts and emotions. Picasso-Marble will also give you a better sense of awareness of yourself. It will inspire you to keep working on your strength of character and self-control.

Picasso-Marble supports the body during weight loss. It’s also known to be very effective in treating viral infections. It can be beneficial in healing eye problems as well. It can also be especially soothing to the digestive system. There is a strengthening quality to Picasso Jasper that can give you greater resilience to falling unwell in the first place. Likewise, it can help you bounce back from sickness or injury in a much shorter time than you might be otherwise used to.

Picasso-Marble will dissolve any kind of creative or artistic blocks so that you can work productively and effectively. It will help you come up with fresh new ideas that will boost your income potential.

This stone will expand your mind so that you can dream bigger dreams and achieve higher goals. It will inspire you to look forward to the future with hope and enthusiasm.

The energies of Picasso-Marble also symbolize the manifestation of your physical and material goals. It will bring about your financial stability and security.

Picasso-Marble carries energies of gain, abundance, and prosperity. When you have this stone with you, you will be attracting plenty of good luck and good fortune!

Picasso-Marble & Relationships:

This gemstone will bring healing to your relationships. If your relationship is going through a rough patch and you’re not sure whether you should hold on or let go, the energies of this stone will give you a pretty good idea. It will remove whatever is causing you pain, bitterness, jealousy, insecurity, or anger in your heart and mind. It will encourage you to accept the reality of the situation instead of pretend that everything is fine. Only then will you be able to recognize the problem and its root cause. Only then will you be able to heal and move forward from the experience. And only then will you be able to decide whether the relationship is still worth saving. It will help you make the best decisions for yourself, no matter how difficult and no matter how much it hurts.

This stone will bring balance and harmony into your relationship. Even if you’re going through something painful or tough in your relationship, you will still find reasons to smile, to laugh, and to have a good time. You will still find peace and serenity even when it feels like total chaos surrounds you!

With the guidance of Picasso-Marble, you will be able to find the right path even when you are undergoing change in your relationship. You will know where you want to go and what you want to become. You will also have a clear idea what you’ll need to do just to get there. Everything will be provided for you, and you will receive the support that you need.

Picasso-Marble will also support you in rekindling a lost love or renewing a lost friendship. It will help you achieve the desires of your heart. It will put emphasis on the transformation of relationships. It will show you why a relationship has to grow and evolve, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones and into the unknown.

Picasso-Marble will also positively transform an ailing relationship. It will work to strengthen it every day until it becomes a flourishing and stable one.