£ 75.00

6mm Rose Quartz & Pink Rhodonite Mala. NOTE: will need to be made again first.

Available on back-order


NOTE: will need to be made again first.

47cm long.

Rose Quartz

Summary: Heart Chakra – Zodiac sign: Taurus, Libra – Keywords: Unconditional love, Self-love, Mother love, Bonding with baby & children, Caring, Kindness, Friendship, Romantic love, Platonic love, Dissolve emotional wounds & resentment, Heals childhood trauma – Physical & mental health: Insomnia, sleep, pregnancy, birth, colic, breastfeeding problems, fear of the dark, nightmares, night terrors, heart & circulatory system, tension, stress, palpitations, skipped heart beats, irregular heart rhythm, premature babies or young children with heart weakness or disease, clears fluids in the cells of the body, promotes the release of impurities, kidneys, adrenals, thymus, chest & lung problems, coughs, bronchitis, vertigo, female reproductive system, genitals, fertility, sexual difficulties, postpartum depression, healing after complicated births.


Summary: Heart Chakra – Zodiac sign: Taurus – Keywords: Calming emotional shock, Self-confidence, Inner path & purpose, Healing of emotional wounds, Gratefulness, Forgiveness, Releasing Festering Resentment & Anger, Releasing Self-Destructive Tendencies, Empowering to one’s full potential, Refinement, Elegance, Delicacy, Courtesy, Tact, Dispels Anxiety & Emotional Pain, Balance Yin-Yang – Physical & mental health: For mineral depletion, rejuvenation, endocrine system, muscles & heart, circulation; boosts organs & glands; gallstones/kidney stones, liver, stomach ulcers; injuries, cuts, & bleeding wounds; insect bites and stings; scar tissue & birth marks, allergies (skin conditions), auto-immune diseases, inflammation of the joints & arthritis, emphysema, lung conditions, bone growth, tinnitus, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, anxiety.


Rose Quartz

The fair and lovely Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.

Called the Heart Stone, Rose Quartz may have been used as a love token as early as 600 B.C. and is still an important talisman of relationships. It is quite effective in attracting new love, romance and intimacy, or in developing a closer bond with family or friends. It supports connection within groups and community, and carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine.

Rose Quartz also inspires the love of beauty, in oneself and others, in nature, and especially that which stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word. Prized in the ancient world for its powers of physical beautification, facial masks of Rose Quartz have been recovered from Egyptian tombs, thought by the Egyptians and Romans to clear the complexion and prevent wrinkles. It was also a stone honored by the Tibetan and Oriental cultures, and continues to be one of the major carving stones of China.

A silicon dioxide crystal, Rose Quartz is one of the most common varieties of the Quartz family. It is found in abundance around the world. Its name is derived from its soft rose color, which ranges from very pale pink to deep reddish-pink and is due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese in the massive material. The color of Rose Quartz is very stable and will not fade with heat or direct sunlight.

Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties.

Rose Quartz may be placed by the bed or in the relationship corner of the home to restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love.

As a stone of love, tenderness and sensuality, Rose Quartz is a powerful aphrodisiac, stimulating sensual imagination.

Rose Quartz is a wonderful sleep crystal for adults and children, providing beautiful dreams as well as preventing nightmares or night terrors. It also helps children to not be afraid of the dark.

Rose Quartz is a calming and reassuring crystal, excellent for use in trauma or crisis, including the emotional upheaval of mid-life crisis. It strengthens empathy, sensitivity, and aids in the acceptance of necessary change. It is also an excellent stone for comforting grief.

Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress, palpitations or skipped beats, and may stabilize irregular heart rhythm. It is ideal for premature babies or young children with heart weakness or disease, or anyone who needs a stronger, more stable heart.

This stone is used to clear fluids in the cells of the body and promote the release of impurities. It assists in healing the kidneys and adrenals, and placed on the thymus aids chest and lung problems, relieving coughs and soothing bronchial areas. It has also been used in treating vertigo.

Rose Quartz is especially supportive of the female reproductive system, the genitals and for increase in fertility. It assists in alleviating sexual difficulties, postpartum depression, and is thought to help mothers heal after complicated births.

The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart’s ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment. A deep sense of personal fulfillment and energy forms a new foundation where inner peace and contentment can become a personal reality.

Rose Quartz is also a stone for those unable to experience the joy of living because of never having had love given to them, possibly missing the love and nurturing as a child that is vital for the development of security and a positive self image. Rose Quartz is the healer for these internal wounds, erasing the primal imprints and reprogramming the heart to accept the infinite source of love that comes from within the self. Only after learning to give love to the self is it possible to truly love others.

Pink Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart and the Heart Chakra, teaching the true essence of love, and purifying and opening the heart at all levels.

Rose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe.

Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe.

Meditating with Rose Quartz assists one in reaching a resonance with the frequency of compassion, releasing emotional patterns that hold one back, and allows for embracing higher and finer frequencies of Light.

Rose Quartz is a common meditation stone used by women. It aids in efforts to understand and foster loving relationships and to bring a gentle energy to one’s day.


An extraordinary stone of the Heart Chakra, Rhodonite shares more than the lovely rose color of its sister stone, Rhodochrosite. While both lay bare the emotional wounds and scars of the past for healing, restoration and reinvigoration, Rhodochrosite focuses on nurturing the inner self and reclaiming all one was meant to be. Rhodonite, richer in color with effects that are deeper and more lasting, takes up the process and empowers one to reach one’s full potential, focusing one’s gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. It is a stone of purpose, cooperation and community, altruism and generosity of spirit. It is a talisman to further the “brotherhood of humanity.”

Rhodonite is highly recognized as an emotional healer and for bringing one back to center during stressful times. It is a crucial “first aid stone” for calming emotional shock and panic, and provides grounded support during the process of dealing with painful issues. Rhodonite has a strong resonance with forgiveness and giving the soul the love it needs in order to heal. It gently releases self-destructive tendencies, festering resentments and anger, and allows one to see both sides of an issue to reach conciliation. It encourages the love of others, and aligning with the spirituality of the universe in order to recognize one’s purpose and how one’s gifts and abilities may be used to effect change on Earth.

Rhodonite was first discovered in the 1790’s in the Ural Mountains of Russia near Maloe Sidelnikovo, and was called orletz by the locals, Russian for “the Eagle Stone” because people began to notice eagles in the region often carried small pieces of the stone to their nests. It soon became tradition to place small Rhodonite stones in their babies’ cradles as well. The custom was later extended to giving Rhodonite to travelers as a protective stone. Massive blocks of orletz containing Rhodonite and other manganese minerals weighing up to 48 tons apiece were mined from this location and many mines throughout the Urals, used for ornamental carvings, massive inlays and beautiful jewelry made famous by Czars and nobles. It became the national stone of Russia in 1913.

Hold Rhodonite to dispel anxiety and remain centered in challenging situations. It is ideal for alerting one to circumstances where something, or someone, is not as it seems, and provides the “wake up call” needed to do something positive about it. Use Rhodonite to hold back insults and recognize that revenge and retaliation are self-destructive. In times of danger, it is particularly useful to promote calm and to ameliorate panic.

Rhodonite creates an engaging aura and protects against envy and jealousy. It is highly effective for reducing childhood jealousies between siblings that often spoil their adult relationships. Use Rhodonite to avoid arguments over shared assets, such as an inheritance.

Wear, carry or place Rhodonite in any area to balance emotions and nurture feelings of love. Utilize it in the workplace to increase self-assurance and overcome feelings of inadequacies, and keep in areas where the family relaxes, to calm children, teenagers and adults who have trouble controlling their temper, swear or constantly argue. It is highly effective for learning to take back projections that blame others for what is really inside the self.

Use Rhodonite to regain equilibrium, both emotionally and physically, after a period of grief or loss, major illness, financial disappointment, heartache or intense unhappiness. Wear Rhodonite jewelry after a breakup to learn to love yourself and value your own company. It is exceptional for healing the mental scars of violence, relieving the pain of unrequited love, or the obsession for a love who would never leave an existing relationship.

Rhodonite assists in the healing of speech and hearing, and makes one more sensitive to sounds and music. It is also reputed to give the wearer the ability to learn languages more easily.

Use Rhodonite to transmute lust and excessive libido into a loving exchange of passionate sexual energy, and to assist in achieving tantric union.

Rhodonite is a wonderful talisman for service personnel, peacekeepers and aid workers, as well as those who live in or near war zones. To send positive energy, set a dish of tumbled Rhodonites or a Rhodonite egg next to a picture of the war-torn area or loved one serving overseas.

Rhodonite is an outstanding stone for the restoration of physical energy that has been drained due to emotional trauma/drama and may be used as an aid to help reverse mineral depletion. It supports the flow of chi throughout the meridians of the body, directing essential strength to the endocrine system which increases one’s energy and vitality. It strengthens the muscles and heart, and stimulates circulation. Though not a purifier in itself, Rhodonite boosts the organs and glands, allowing them to purify the body more effectively. It is thought to assist in ridding the body of gallstones or kidney stones, and can support the healing of the liver from disease or damage.

Rhodonite contains manganese and is considered one of the best stones for healing injuries, cuts, and bleeding wounds, and for soothing insect bites and stings. It may be useful for reducing scar tissue or birth marks, and aiding skin conditions due to allergies.

Traditionally used to calm stomach ulcers, Rhodonite is also believed to aid in treatments for auto-immune diseases, soothing inflammation of the joints and arthritis, easing symptoms of emphysema and other chronic or progressive lung conditions. Rhodonite encourages bone growth, and placed behind the ears fine-tunes auditory vibrations to assist hearing and relieve tinnitus.

Rhodonite is reputed to help relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, as well as some forms of multiple sclerosis, when used in conjunction with Rhodochrosite.

Rhodonite is an ideal stone for processing and dispelling emotional pain. It clears away wounds and scars of the past, releasing abusive and self-destructive behaviors, feelings of hatred, anger or resentment, and allows one to see both sides of an issue. It encourages mutual understanding and opens one to forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a marvelous stone for turning back insults and understanding that retaliation and revenge only hurt the self. Rhodonite can be used in past-life healing to deal with betrayal and abandonment, and is especially empowering for those who are generally passive to act on their need for healing. Rhodonite brings balance to the emotional body, increasing self-esteem and confidence, and helps one to recognize and value their gifts and talents, and to expand them to their highest potential in order to help others.

Rhodonite is associated with Anahata, the Heart Chakra, which relates to peace, decision-making, love, compassion and psychic healing.

Rhodonite is a wonderful crystal for balancing the yin-yang energy, and helping one attune to the spirituality of the universe. It is a stone of great love and giving of oneself for the betterment of humanity. It is ideal for grounding one’s spiritual practice and inspiring ways to integrate that spirituality into everyday life so one’s heartfelt connection with the Divine becomes evident in one’s daily interaction with others.

Rhodonite is ideal for grounding energies during meditation and dreamwork, enhancing the depth, clarity and meaning of one’s inner experiences so the messages behind the dreams and visions can be better understood. Rhodonite can be used to provide a psychic link for guidance in fulfilling one’s personal destiny, and is thought to enhance mantra-based meditations, aligning the soul more closely to the vibration. It may also be used for closing metaphysical gates, and eliminating confusion and doubt.
