£ 82.50

6mm Peach, Grey & White Moonstone Mala with Sunstone Guru Bead. NOTE: will need to be made again first.

Available on back-order


NOTE: will need to be made again first.

46cm long


Summary: Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra – Zodiac sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Gemini (birthstone) – Keywords: Mystery & hidden truth, Happiness, Good fortune, Nurturing, Mothering, Calming, Soothing, Unselfishness, Humanitarian, Love, Hope, Spiritual insight, Safe travel, New beginnings, Abundance, Ancient wisdom – Physical & mental health: Fertility, female reproductive system, hormone-balancing, easy childbirth, easy pregnancy, menstrual problems, balances hormones, menopause, fluid retention, improves physical growth, slows down degeneration of the elderly; alleviates degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes, and the fleshy organs of the body; insomnia, nightmares, sleepwalking; enhances assimilation of nutrients, eliminates toxins; disorders of the digestive and elimination systems; stimulates right side of the brain.


Summary: Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra – Zodiac sign: Leo, Libra – Keywords: Leadership, Self-empowerment, Freedom, Originality, Creativity, Openness, Warmth, Strength, Mental Clarity, Serviceful, Joy, Abundance, Prosperity, Sensuality, Romance, Sexuality, Independence, Yang energy – Physical and mental health: increases metabolism, digestion, vitality, stimulates self-healing powers, regulates and harmonizes all of the organs, chronic sore throats, stomach tension & ulcers, depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), nightmares, cartilage problems, rheumatism, general aches & pains, osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, infections, athletic injury.



As ancient as the moon itself, Moonstone holds the power of mystery. Its secrets are locked beneath a pearly veil, and with them, our own hidden truths. Only within its reflected light can we begin to understand what it has to teach us. Moonstone is foremost a talisman of the inward journey, taking one deep into the self to retrieve what is missing, the parts of the soul left behind or forgotten, then brought to light.

Since earliest times, Moonstone has been a tangible connection to the magic of the moon – an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom. Our ties to the moon are strong. As it waxes and wanes in cyclic perfection, it creates the tides and rhythms of our mother, Earth, and influences our behaviors, emotions and spiritual growth. Moonstone calms and encourages, teaching us the natural rhythms of life.

Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. It is an excellent crystal for first or new love. Moonstone is also the stone of love and eroticism, stimulating the kundalini energy and carnal desires. It is the ultimate fertility crystal.

Moonstone helps in attuning to the normal rhythms of the biological forces of one’s body and to utilize natural energy cycles. It powerfully affects the female reproductive system, enhancing fertility and promoting ease in pregnancy and childbirth, alleviates menstrual problems and change-of-life, balances the hormonal system and eliminates fluid retention.

Moonstone can act as a growth stone for children and teenagers, and has been thought to slow the degeneration of the elderly. It may also alleviate degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes, and the fleshy organs of the body. It is useful in treating insomnia and creating beneficial dreams.

Moonstone may also be used to enhance the assimilation of nutrients, eliminate toxins, and treat disorders of the digestive and elimination systems.

Moonstone has long been known for its calming, soothing qualities on the emotional body. Its energy is balancing and healing, assisting in the mastery of emotions by bringing them under the control of Higher Will, rather than expressing or repressing them. It also helps identify emotional patterns that are stored in the subconscious, and serves as a guardian to contain explosive passions, and to stimulate confidence and composure. Moonstones can be placed at the center of the chin (the Moon Center) to create this balance.

Moonstone bestows a depth of feeling, a gentleness within the self that brings happiness to the environment in which it resides. Associated with the feminine, it enhances the intuitive side of the mind. To women, Moonstone reveals their feminine power and abilities of clairvoyance, and gives rise to the kundalini energy. Moonstone helps men become more in-tune with the feminine aspects of their nature, and stimulates the right side of the brain, encouraging nonlinear thinking and emotional balance.

Moonstone is especially calming to children. It soothes those away from home at night, drives away nightmares and encourages sleep. It is also used to treat sleepwalking.

The white crystal energies present in all Moonstones have an association with the Crown Chakra and our spiritual center. They represent personal identification with the Infinite, and oneness with God, peace and wisdom.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life.

Moonstone cleanses and dispels negativity from all the chakras, and provides supplemental energy and support in balancing the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. It provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance to assist one through all changes. It is also a useful tool in radionic analysis and treatment to help pinpoint problem areas.

Always sacred in India, Moonstone was the stone of the gods and goddesses, of hope and spiritual purity through denial of the ego. It combats materialism and strengthens the faith of religious people in all cultures. Hermits, monks and other contemplatives withdrawn from society for spiritual reasons, find a special affinity for Moonstone.

Moonstone opens the mind to hoping and wishing, inspiration and impulse, serendipity and synchronicity. It brings flashes of insight, keeping one from negatively banishing possibilities. Yet it grants intuitive recognition and allows one to absorb that which is needed from the universe and not necessarily what is wanted.




With the radiance of the sun and the fire of the solar ray, Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth. It is a Stone of Leadership – of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Truly reflecting the qualities of Light, it brings openness, benevolence and warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others.

Known as a joyful stone, Sunstone inspires the nurturing of self in order to be of service to others. It restores the enjoyment of life, good nature and provides a sense of abundance.

Sunstone is a member of the Feldspar family, and is named for its warm shades of gold, orange, reds and browns that sparkle like the sun.

Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent “good luck” crystal for competitions.

Wear Sunstone to feel alive and enthusiastic. It increases vitality and is beneficial in starting, and maintaining, a fitness program or aerobic activity, and for occupations requiring high energy throughout the day.

As a workplace crystal, Sunstone increases your profile and brings opportunities for leadership and promotion. Place next to your computer when advertising your own business or services online.

Sunstone provides a source of strength if you are dependent on others emotionally, or have suffered the sudden loss of a partner. It helps alleviate fearfulness and stress, and protects against those who drain your energies or finances. It is also an excellent crystal for phobia sufferers to ease fear of the dark, enclosed places, or the presence of other triggers.

Sunstone when worn on/used by the receiving hand helps one receive what is needed and desired. In the transmitting hand, it channels multiple healings and blessings to others. Worn as a pendant, Sunstone brings the heart’s wisdom into alignment with the mind’s inspirations.

Sunstone warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality. It stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs.

Sunstone is used to treat chronic sore throats, and to reduce stomach tension and ulcers. Placed on the Solar Plexus, it is excellent for lifting depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, and is helpful in chasing away nightmares.

Since ancient times, Sunstone has been used as a grid around the body to relieve cartilage problems, rheumatism, and general aches and pains. Today it is also used to treat osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, various infections, and athletic injury.

Sunstone is highly effective in cleansing the aura and chakras, and for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers, or anyone draining of your energies. Sunstone surrounds these hooks with love and positive energy, and returns them to the source. It is especially beneficial when ties need to be cut, or if you have difficulty saying “No.” It helps remove co-dependency, overcomes procrastination, and encourages self-empowerment and independence.

Those who hold back because of fears and self-doubt may find Sunstone melts away the sense of unworthiness, feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged or abandoned. It emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies that re-balances one’s emotional patterns, and encourages optimism and enthusiasm. It can help transform anger into energy and judgment into joy.

With its powers of the sun and light, Sunstone clears and cleanses all the chakras, restoring joy and nurturing the spirit. It is particularly energizing to the Base and Sacral Chakras, stimulating leadership and will, creativity and sexuality.

Sunstone relates to people of faith – missionaries and others who give themselves in service to the world. It encourages us to act with grace, and aids in active, joyous meditation.

Sunstone carries yang energy, and balances with the yin of Moonstone. (Worn together, these stones integrate god and goddess powers, assertive and outward success and inner harmony within your life.)

Meditating with Sunstone (esp. when placed on the Third Eye) will enable one to see the highest path of action in any situation.

Sunstone is an alchemical stone bringing a profound connection to light and the regenerative power of the sun during meditation and in everyday life.
